
Matoshri Ayurved College, Hospital &
Research Center

At-Post - Karjule Harya, Tal - Parner , Dist - Ahmednagar 414304

Director Message

Ayurveda, the life care system, now accepted worldwide as an alternative and affective therapy. Globalization of Ayurveda is now undisputed fact and the western world is now looking towards it. Along with curative medicine, Ayurveda speaks of prevention aspects also.

Ayurveda education is undergoing a phenomenal change in this decade. Keeping in view to the ever growing needs of better vaidyas and health seekers. Ayurved college and hospital, Nashik University has accepted this challenge of increased demand of Ayurved with utmost responsibility. We have equipped ourselves in such a way that we can fulfill the ambition of human society with highest ethical and professional standards.

I take this opportunity to appeal society to take up this holistic system ‘Ayurveda’ as a career.

With best wishes

Hon. Dr. Dipak Laxman Aher
Matroshri Shaishanik Pratishthan
Ane, Tal: Junner, Dist: Pune
