
Matoshri Ayurved College, Hospital &
Research Center

At-Post - Karjule Harya, Tal - Parner , Dist - Ahmednagar 414304

Director Message

Matoshri Ayurved College,Hospital & Research Center is a new upcoming institute, which is conceived as an MACHRC Institute of Ayurveda. Just like a newborn, the institute requires very careful reining to grow it in such a way to fulfill the requirement for which it is conceived. It is an unique institution in the country which is having a perfect blend of Ancient Wisdom with Modern technology. Very recently we have started our activities from newly built hospital and academic & research blocks. We are committed to offer un-parallel Ayurveda treatment facilities through our hospital. Various research laboratories and technical experts are putting their best efforts to make this institution a hub for fundamental, drug and clinical research to make Ayurveda evidence based. Standardization and validation of Ayurveda drugs and treatment modalities is on our top agenda. I'm very proud to say that the team a of ‘MACHRC’ strive hard by constantly acquiring newer knowledge, skills and upgrade themselves to keep pace with the global demand.

I take this opportunity to appeal society to take up this holistic system ‘Ayurveda’ as a career.

With best wishes

Hon.Dr. Shwetambari Dipak Aher
Matroshri Shaishanik Pratishthan
Ane, Tal: Junner, Dist: Pune
